1965 F100 after months of restoration to take back to Adirondacks...

Never left. It's staying in Cali..

In Jimmies shaping bay..peer pressure strikes again.

Once cool, twice not.. First glass job since High School and probably last.

Have garage will produce. Hines template Mini Simmons

Flt. out, three diversions for no apparent reason. Joy of travel in the new era.

Summer base camp of east coast photographic operations.

Lake Titus modes of transportation.

Road out of Adirondack base of operations

My temporary Philadelphia office..Chandelier made it.
On a return flight home from Philadelphia I realized I hadn't posted to my blog in months. With all of the photo sharing options out there I neglected my favorite one...my blog. Above is a photo time lapse of what has transpired between my last post in June and now.